Friday, May 25, 2012

The Boy

As the girls have taken a few outside classes this semester, although it has made our lives a little hectic and put us behind schedule in certain areas, it does provide much appreciated bonding time for me and the boy. Sometimes that time is spent doing structured learning and others it is us just enjoying each others company. I wish I had photos/videos to capture it all but I don't. Two times that I am thinking of right now is when we took a walk to Trader Joe's and when we walked on Marina. Well, I walked and he rode. On our way back to car I rode his bike and he rode handle bars.
Anyway, here are a few captured moments.
A Trip  To Urban Ore.
This trip was special to me because he was a great helper/worker and is beginning to see the need and value in re-purposing. He was excited to be there and was proud of himself for knowing his way around. Oh, for those that do not know, Urban Ore is basically a "fancy junk yard."

Returning this big piece of plywood because it could not fit in car. We forgot we would have to pick up his sisters before heading home.

This should work.

He picked out the pieces we would use.

He insisted on loading the car... himself.

And he did!

Bee Evaluation:
Many of you probably read about the bee adventure. We scouted while the girls were in class.

Building At Home:
I forgot what he called this and all the features it had, but it was designed with purpose.

Lawrence Hall of Science (two separate days):

Golden Gate Bridge in back

Found a bumblebee. was comparing to a honey bee

he was stalking a bumblebee. he took this photo

wild turkey



found a roly poly

earthquake simulation

earthquake exhibit
Reading. Sister made comic

Science. Pulse

Math. Fractions
Blessed to Have Many Great Times With My Children.

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