Monday, September 3, 2012

Squealing Like A Teenage Girl

Apparently I squealed like a teenage girl the other day. What had happened was...
I was awaiting the arrival of my husband and when he pulled up to the house according to Aminah I squealed like a teenage girl. I did say something to the effect of "He's here! And scrambled to the restroom to make sure I was fresh and clean." While Peace looked at me with a grin on her face, shaking her head then spewed "Mom, you're squealing like a teenage girl."  I must admit I was really excited to see him and was not aware of my audience because I probably would have tried to hide my excitement a little.

An after thought was I hope she finds someone that after all these years still has her acting like a teenage girl. All excited to see the love of her life. I actually wish that for all women and men.


  1. Sweet vignette, sweet testimony, blessed example and beautiful photos
    Auntie rahimah

    1. Thanks for reading AND commenting on the blog. Much appreciated.

  2. Aminah read this post and corrected me. She didn't say teenage girl. She said, "school girl."
