Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Its almost 9pm

Greetings and Peace, I am here wanting to blog but not sure which topic to focus on. Part of me says do it another day and another part says provide some kind of update.
Oh this is an easy one but I have been really bad with taking pictures.
I wanted to do a blog on zucchini. What do you do when you harvest 21.5 lbs of zucchini in one day?

I wanted to have pictures of the products but hey.
  • You gift some
  • you make a zucchini corn saute to bring to a big gathering
  • you make zucchini enchiladas
  • you make zucchini bread (solar oven and reg oven)
  • and you shred the remainder and freeze it for future zucchini bread

As we were eating dinner tonight I was thinking my children are going to start thinking of vegetables in terms of seasons. You know like when summer is here and you think of peaches, watermelons, plums, etc. Well I do believe zucchini and green beans are going to be planted in their minds when it comes to summer.


  1. When I get back home, I think there will be too huge zucchinis to deal with. But, I don't mind, and you've given me a head start on what to do with them. Thanks.
