Saturday, July 14, 2012


Greetings! I really should use this time to continue to prepare for the upcoming school year but NO... I would rather blog about it. Past history shows that I will not start that until at least 11. Although I am aiming for earlier tonight.
Doing Work even w/ company. He Got to join in on the fun.
How I even got on preparing for upcoming year was rather funny this go round. A few things had come up in my life that left me focused/figuring out other things; not to mention that we were behind on completing this year's goals. For all those who do not know me, I don't believe in social promotion so no need to prepare for next year if not finished with this one.
Moving on...
Around the end of May, I believe, I began getting calls from Unschoolers asking me about the upcoming school year. The first call I was shocked but dismissed it. But after the third call I was wondering what was up. Basically, they all said the same thing, that I usually have a rough plan of upcoming year. So after the third call and life continuing to stay busy and with a few dates up in the air I carved out a schedule to have us complete the existing goals. And lo and behold, after two weeks, though we were not complete I could see completion near and my mind instantly went into gear preppin for the upcoming year.
Although the schedule (in a London accent) is not set in stone it feels really great to have a skeleton of the plan ahead. I am also really grateful to those that called because with all that we plan to accomplish in the first semester alone it is going to require a good amount of prep work.
Now I'm off to pre-read, develop discussion questions and activities.

Oh, you may be wondering why so much prep work. It all depends on the subject but reality is I don't want my children fed the same lies that were fed to me. And if they are they need to know how to deconstruct them. So I do not use regular history books and if I do I still feel the need to create my own questions which means I have to read the material to figure out what exactly is covered; and/or to know what else has to be covered.
The most prep time is spent in Islamic Studies, History, and Lang. Arts.


  1. Even though summer is "off," you're never really off, are you? Learning all the time!

    1. NONSTOP! But I have noticed a big push in the summer makes for a great semester and if i'm really on it a great year. or I have to do another big push midway. But much easier than constantly barely staying a little bit ahead of them for the entire semester or year.
