Thursday, November 29, 2012


We want to give a BIG thanks to our loving and supportive community for helping us achieve our goal of raising money to get passports so we can finally take a trip abroad.

We normally have an Awesome chart hanging in our house. The awesome chart is where we post personal goals that we have accomplished that are awesome to the individual posting. For instance, it is NOT a place for me to post how awesome it is that Faith finished her current math book with an A- and will start pre-algebra next semester. It is a space where she can post that she is awesome because she learned how to crochet a star to add flair to the hats she makes. This month's chart is a little different.

We worked together to create a poster to tell all the communities we belong to thank you for supporting us. Whether it was by purchasing one of our products, giving a donation, helping us to advertise, or wishing us well in our endeavor. We are grateful. In addition to the trip we hope to take we have this to remind us of all the wonderful people we are surrounded by.


  1. The GED is implemented in the USA and Canada. It is composed of five subjects: Reading, Writing, Math, Science and Social Sciences. This test is administered within a total seven hours. This equivalency exam is offered annually. The GED is the ticket of many individuals without a better training and/or job opportunities. High school dropouts seeking advancement and jobs with higher pay can get entry to training programs given the required GED results.

    ged practice test print out

  2. “Congratulations Admin! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.”
    Chute de cheveux
